Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Fourth Plinthism Sunday Viewing

On Sunday I found myself, my favourite wandering companion and my hangover in Trafalgar Square admiring the new fourth plinth installation - a giant replica of Horatio Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory.  In a bottle.  By Yinka Shonibare.

The material used for the sails is especially beautiful African type fabrics, which are a bit difficult to see here as the angle is awkward and the sky was so beautifully bright it's made the photos go weird....

Lovely though, eh?

It was also a good opportunity to check out the Olympic count down clock, albeit with added paint-bomage after the Cuts protest the day before (wrecking, kettling, outrage etc).  It's a shame that a few idiots feel the need to wreck everything in their path and completely sideline any legitimate protest that goes on.

I for one though will not have my Olympic spirit dampened.  I am VERY excited about it all and am currently working out what tickets to register for.  I'm thinking opening and closing ceremonies, some athletics and maybe some sort of water sport....and definitely a large amount of sneaky at work iplayer-in-the-corner-of-my-screen watching.

The most exciting thing about Sunday was the lack of coat required.  Yes, I was a bit chilly, but I'm British damnit, I refuse to give in!  (I did refuse a 99+flake though.  It's not quite that warm yet.)

Friday, 25 March 2011

Trip to the Beach

Once again we boarded the (packed) Friday evening train to the Isle of Wight for a weekend out of the city and by the beach.  We ate fish and chips, threw rocks at the sea and visited a local competition that seemed mostly to involve daffodils of various varieties and random crafts but also had kids poems and cakes.  Lovely.

First stop was Freshwater, near Yarmouth.

This small hut is right by the pier, selling beverages and snacks to those of us who were too polite to stuff their faces at lunch.  This is soon to be developed into some sort of modern shopping centre and accommodation for holiday makers, which seems a shame as it's lovely how it is but that's progress I suppose.

Skipping stones...

Staring out to sea - check, hands in pockets - check, nonchalant stance - check...

The sun was so bright that my iPhone camera couldn't cope and made it look like some sort of dark alternate reality.  It was THAT sunny.

On Sunday after a lovely roast lunch and apple crumble we drove (not me obviously, I spent the trip rubbernecking the countryside and cliff top views) down the coast to Ventnor and had a wander along the sea front.

I have a minor obsession with beach huts and one day, one will be mine...  Not this one though, I want one of the ones that comes in a row, with electrics for the kettle to make tea.  The older I get, the more I see tea making facilities as a necessity, not an optional extra.  I'll sit outside in a deck chair, with my wind breaker, which my parents would NEVER buy and be utterly British, sitting on the beach in ALL weathers, albeit in a 1950s sort of way.

The bandstand.  How Victorian seaside this this?! It's my perfect idea of the seaside, quaint and unspoilt.

A little bit of glitz at the Gaiety amusement arcade, again very retro, I approve.

We attempted to find some interesting rock pools to poke about in but had to settle for some whelks on a rock.  We later thought we spotted some teenage boys looking through rock pools and were quite jealous...until we realised they were just bending down to light their cigarettes.  Hmmm....

The Spyglass Inn, truly, amazingly tacky but with spectacular views from the outside seating.  Having a coke and a bag of crisps huddled outside a pub after being on the beach took me back to my childhood.  

The weekend wouldn't be complete without some sort of travel issues though.  This time they blamed the moon.  It was close, the tides were weird and the ferry was late.  The man who asked if they would be holding the train (for 30mins) in order to allow us to connect gets a gold star for sheer audacity.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Video Girl

Ok...so not a video like that, clearly.  But I did spend 10 minutes on Sunday afternoon being filmed as a 'cool east London type' (not my description - I can hear you sniggering at the back there) for Ivan's new film.  You can see some of his other fabulous stuff here.

Luckily there aren't any pictures of me (other than the film - doh!) as I looked like I'd been run over by a truck after a civilised dinner party at mine rolled into a night of cocktails and dancing at the Redchurch.  That place is lethal.

Pre-filming, on location....  A backstreet off Brick Lane, next to a garage, some graffiti and a bin.  I expect Julia Roberts started off in exactly the same way, no?

Whilst waiting for my close up I noticed a tiny, tiny little door on the wall.  I love the Alice in Wonderland element to this and am reliably informed that there are lots in east London, some with mice/ rats.  I will post more if and when I find them.

In other news I have this last week discovered HP (Brown) Sauce.  Having for years spurned it due to the slightly off putting colour and lack of description (I will NOT east something if I don't know what it is) I was finally coaxed into it and it's actually very nice.  I also discovered from someone who's eaten there that they even have it at the White House.  True.  Fact.

I'm off to the Isle of Wight again this weekend and I am really, really looking forward to some proper seaside time.  I love living in London but being landlocked (the Thames does NOT count) all the time sometimes feels quite claustrophobic so a bit of wide open space will be a fabulous antidote.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Pancake Day

I love pancake day.  Seriously, it's the second best national celebration of the year (second to fireworks night, obvs).  None of the pressure of Christmas or the commercialism of Easter...although I'm sure it won't be too long before 'Happy Pancake Day' cards start circulating...and decent snacks involved.  What more could you want?

I even invested in a new pan to cook the things in.  It's mind boggling the array of frying pans available in Sainsbury's btw.  As with most things these days I find myself thinking, 'who needs this much choice??!!'  Or maybe muttering it under my breath, I did get some funny looks standing helplessly in front of the pans with a look of anguish smacked across my Chevy Chase.

Pancake cheffery.  It's not a real pancake unless it's been flipped, donchaknow.  x

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Nu Yoik

Whilst in New York I...fell a little bit in love with Brooklyn - Bedford Ave and Brooklyn Bowl especially - stood atop the extremely high Rockefeller Building to view Manhattan and learnt to play beer pong - final score: Women 2 - Men 1 (losers).  I also took the tour of Liberty and Ellis Islands, which I'd recommend as it was actually brilliant, even my museum averse companion thought so.

More importantly though - look!  Can you guess what this is?

Yup, this is the piano from the film Big.  Or at least that's what the nice people at FAO Schwarz say, I have subsequently been informed that this isn't true but I'm choosing to believe the toy shop people - I mean, who lies to kids?  These extraordinarily happy, clappy people demonstrated how to play it in VERY American fashion...think cheerleaders on crack and you get some way towards their excitement at being giant piano playing/ dancing professionals.  Seriously, I have never seen such a surreal rendition of chopsticks.

Also on the weird but wonderful scale - Giant Pez!!

With my hand, for scale, obvs.

Located at the amazing Economy Candy.  Wall-to-wall sweets, chocolate etc.  We bought lots of sweets, which were subsequently confiscated by the evil security trolls at the base of the Statue of Liberty, because Chupa Chups are a security threat, as are bear sweets, whilst bubble gum is clearly tantamount to a WMD.  Or at least that's what I inferred from their behaviour.