Thursday, 20 October 2011

In considering Halloween Outfits

I have been invited to a Halloween party (/30th).  Now, usually my involvement in Halloween is a slightly mystified, ‘huh, drunk idiots dressed as ghosts and the undead appear to have taken over Shoreditch’.  I feel this may be a direct result of having been brought up in a house where my mother would open the door, inform the small kids that we did not live in America, then close the door in their perplexed little faces.

But, given that turning up as me is not likely to be seen as sufficiently ‘joining in’, I thought I should look at my options.  Hmm…  This is where the feminist part of me does some bellowing.  It would seem that at Halloween kids look in cute pumpkin/ princess outfits, men look ridiculous and women look like whores.

I think this picture adequately illustrates the point I’m making…

Now, I’m all for a bit of fun, but good grief.

Given that I’m yet to find a fancy dress site that doesn’t have the words ‘sexy’ or ‘naughty’ in front of 90% of their women’s costumes (and the rest are wigs or hats) I’m thinking an alternative route may be called for.  I can either invest in some white gear and go as a ghost, or some black gear and go as a vampire.  Let’s face it I have the skin tone for either.  Or I go ‘fun’, which also has the handy knack of looking comfy, which the trussed up ‘ho look does not look to be.

On the fun scale I quite like one-sie cat costumes, Kigu-esque ones…  Whilst the real thing (flying squirrel, anyone?!) would be great I happened to see one in Primark yesterday that’s only £10, which may be a go-er.

Other than that I shall get some inspiration from American Apparel.  They seem to favour ballet/ Black Swan/ superhero looks, but then given that they are basically a leggings and leotards as fashion store, this is perhaps to be expected.  I particularly like the idea of this hoodie-dinosaur idea.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. Awful. What did you choose for tonight then?

