Monday, 12 December 2011

Brixton Bimblings

Bimble: (verb) to bimble.  To wander aimlessly in an upbeat and cheerful manner.

The Christmas season can take it's toll, especially if like me, you're not feeling as young as you once did.  There's a reason they refer to turning thirty as 'hitting thirty', it feels like you've run slap bang into a wall the morning after every time you go out drinking.  Pah.  So Saturday I dragged my sorry self out of bed, only really thinking about coffee but heading for Brixton to meet Mel and was pleasantly surprised by a lovely couple of craft markets in pubs.

The Dogstar looks miraculously better during the day, decked in bunting and with crowds milling about beautiful home made wares, than it does of a Saturday night with belligerent drunks falling about on the dance floor.  Living Bar was also lovely and I gathered a few crafty project ideas to add to my list.  I actually realised that, other than starting my new job, I have nothing happening so far in January and I might be able to get something finished.  Hurrah!  (Yes, officially old, did you not read above?)

Living Bar had this poster outside, so Mel helpfully posed up for a picture...before gathering so many business cards from the various stall holders she could build a miniature house out of them and buying some lovely gifts, including an ace print.

We then had a walk through Brixton Village Market for the obligatory Federation Coffee flat white.  The best coffee in London.  Fact.  (Not a bad toasted croissant with cheese and ham also.)

These lovely lampshades caught my eye...I don't normally look up, there's too much going on at eye level!

On a side note: I have been meaning to check out this new bar for a few weeks now and it looks even more amazing in the flesh than on-line.  The cocktails look lovely, as does the small menu, but it's definitely an evening venue as it's right next to a smelly fish stall during the day.  Bleugh.

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