Thursday, 2 August 2012

On Social Media

As this week, barring the BBC live blog of the Olympics, has been pretty dead at work, I have been doing some interweb admin.  I had this blog,  a facebook account (surely these are now handed out at birth?  Or, actually, set up by parents to be for their embryos as someone I know has done.) and a Pinterest board, or what-have-you.  The issue is that the evil work overlords have decreed that facebook is a banned website and this has impeded my ability to get onto Pinterest, damnit.  It does, by-the-by, not affect my ability to find things to do when the work situation is under control, in your face evil work overlords.

I should also mention that I'm a bit addicted to the Queen's twitter feed.  Not HRH but an imposter who, I suspect, is far funnier than the real deal.  Anywho, so the 'solution' seemed to be to activate a twitter account, use that to sign into Pinterest and hurrah! I am back to pinning pictures of vintage Pyrex onto boards whilst handily being able to see all the tweets.  But now I have a twitter.  I haven't tweeted yet as it all seems a bit, erm, well, I'm just not convinced about it to be honest but I am now following 40 people and counting so I've already breached my own terms of usage. *sigh*

I think, when historians looks back at this time, they will pin point this age as the one where things all went horribly wrong, where everyone overexposed themselves via social media and the lines between public and private lives began to crumble until we all live Truman Show-esque lives.  This will come to be known as the time before the backlash, when people took to the streets, smashed their iPads (other devices are available), iPhones etc and spoke to each other in the flesh, before retreating to their own homes for a little bit of privacy. 

Now, how do I retweet again?

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