Monday, 21 February 2011


After posting the picture of the stick man I was reliably informed by the lovely Maz that these pictures are by a graffiti artist who calls himself Stik (at least I'm going to go ahead and assume this isn't his real name...then again, Peaches, Apple, Satchel et al?  Who can tell?).

I spotted a few more of his works over the weekend whilst participating in a walking tour of East London Town (more of which later once I've found all the historical facts to bore you with).

Small grey doorway in Whitechapel somewhere...not sure where I was not in charge of directions and have no sense of direction.  It was near Tayabs for those of you familiar with this amazing bastion of Indian cuisine.

Purple, peering out from the arches to your left as you walk up Bethnal Green Road from the tube.  Only spotted as my companion was musing on how this part of BG is really EAST, like in Eastenders or something and was therefore rubbernecking the arches to see if there were any Phil'n'Grant types lurking about...

Orange crowd cheering on passers-by, located by Shoreditch High Street station...and very 'in keeping' in it's orangeness with the general colour-glare of the East London line.

There's an interview with the man himself here - - if anyone's interested... The yellow pic at the bottom of the article is now the orange piece above.

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