Sunday, 6 February 2011

A Trip to the Tate Modern

The Tate Modern is one of my favourite places with a hushed reverential air, lots to see and benches (take note Saatchi Gallery - people need somewhere to rest up!).  I went yesterday with my friend Sacha after a lovely brunch at The Table on Southwark Street.  Eggs Royale and a flat white? Oh, yes.

Anyhow, I hadn't realised before that you were allowed to take photos...or maybe you're not, but everyone else was doing it so I decided to take some of the things that caught my eye.  Bacon?  Monet?  Miro?  Oh, no.  Although they are indeed amazing it was the weird little drawings, sketches and photos that made me stop and take an interest.

Stick 'em up....

This was part of a series of cartoon characters and skulls and things.  Alice here is less 'in Wonderland' and more 'half in the grave being swallowed by the earth next to a skull'.  I like.

Cannibals have issues too.  I read an interesting article the other day on whether cannibalism was ok if it was for the greater good, but that's a bit off subject/ gorey thought-wise perhaps for right now.

Ents in rather dapper clothes chatting up Gareth Pugh-esque clad lady folk. S/S 2011 look, perhaps?

It's raining ladies apparently now too.

Anywho, that was my day.  I came home via pretty much EVERY vintage shop in East London it felt like, searching for old clothes to craft with but I couldn't find the right fabrics so I watched Silent Witness instead.  I had missed the second half of last week as I was away and was glad to discover it was all a horrible mistake and they didn't kill off Harry afterall.  Phew!

Ta-ra.  x

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