Monday, 18 July 2011

Book Review: How to be a Woman, by Caitlin Moran

Caitlin Moran is one of my favourite columnists so when I saw she was putting out a book I leapt on it…after a minor disagreement with the horrid man in WHSmiths Books at Stansted Airport over his refusal to take book vouchers as payment because we were in an airport, which, now I think about it, still makes me cross.

Anywho, I had laughed out loud so many times by the time we’d been on the airplane for an hour that Sam had made me read out half of the first few chapters as explanation, whilst his own Simon Pegg autobiography languished on the tray table in front of him.  Caitlin (can I call her Caitlin?  I think I will anyhow) employs the same wit and humour as she does in her columns to explain why women are mental, fabulous and feminist all at the same time.  I especially liked her simple formula for sussing out sexism.  Basically, are men doing it/ experiencing it?  No?  Why not?  Er, yep, because they’d never put up with this crap, that’s why.

I was less interested in certain parts of the book, the long passages on what she should name her boobs (?!) particularly stick in my mind as a, yeah, yeah, alright I get your point, can we please move on now part for me.  Other chapters were harder to read, such as the chapter on abortion, but I feel it is important to challenge the way you think about things, especially when they’re so emotive, and Caitlin’s honest and open narrative impressed me a great deal.  I may not always agree with her but I respect her and her opinions.

In short - this book was un-put-down-able and should be read by everyone…men and women.  Indeed, my copy is already on loan and developing a waiting list!

Here are some other people’s reviews in the Guardian if you’re interested.

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