Thursday, 28 July 2011


So, this weekend just gone was another gloriously lazy one on the Isle of Wight…well, Sam attempted laziness whilst I demanded entertainment, but near enough.  Turns out he’d come prepped with a giant bubble making kit, which kept us all entertained for a bit – bubbles, like fireworks are cool.  Straight up, no frills but cool. 

On Sunday we got up ridiculously early (for a Sunday) and partook of a car boot sale in the locality.  Sam had a heap of stuff to sell so we set to doing our best to sell it all off.  Despite my initial scepticism we managed to sell most things and make £100, not bad for a few hours work!

The gloriously sunny weather may have helped as the locals were out in force…

Unfortunately there wasn’t much to buy, despite me searching quite hard.  Bah.  So I made do with a bacon sandwich and came home empty handed.  On the bacon sarnie though, they seemed, mystifyingly, to have adopted London Town prices at the snack bar, but it being the only one, it was that or go hungry.

I made it home in time to get into my pjs and watch The Hour, which I’m now obsessed with – I need Belle’s wardrobe and her hairdresser, stat!

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