Tuesday 22 February 2011

Corporate Induction

Now, today's Corporate Induction could have gone a few different ways.  I'll admit that the mention of it brought to mind images of alien abduction and 'reconditioning' of the human mind.  I was semi-convinced I'd be walking through a metal detector in a few years time and discover a chip had been implanted in my mind, like Scully in the X-Files (formative and influential tv pour moi).

Actually it was fine, if, obviously, tres dull - death by Powerpoint anyone?

My 'artist's impression'....I don't remember much after this....

But there was talk of 5 year plans, Mao Zedong and continuous revolution came up a few times...  Bit random but then again the Chief Exec gave a potted history of the organisation beginning with The Enlightenment (no joke) so Mao was a least a fairly modern, if a little left wing reference point.

My personal 5 year action plan.  (NB. anyone winning any money using these numbers hereby owes me a half share.)

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. I usually have to resort to pinching myself to stay awake at these things, but your doodles are far more creative and have the benefit of being amusing in the aftermath.
